After retiring, Linda was having trouble managing mobility issues and mental health concerns due to social isolation. During the pandemic, she felt increasingly disconnected and struggled as COVID-19 restrictions shut people in. With some encouragement and information from her doctor, Linda was introduced to community-based programs at the Life After Fifty Seniors Active Living Centre in Windsor that reinvigorated her sense of purpose. She now provides that encouragement for her friends to sign up for social supports, and participates knitting baby hats and dishcloths to donate as part of community charity events.
How has social prescribing impacted your life?

I appreciated the kindness of people, and realizing that there are nice people in this world. It’s just a matter of finding them. Another lady I know, she’s in her eighties, and she lost her husband about a year ago. She is very lonely. That’s why I encouraged her to go to Life After Fifty. Like me, she needed the initial push to go, but I think once she goes, she’ll enjoy it.

Funded by Anonymous Donor, implemented in partnership by